NWU Business School

PhD in Economic and Management Sciences with Business Administration


NWU Business School


The PhD programme of the NWU Business School is a research-based doctoral degree offered at NQF Level 10. As the African continent, today is presenting itself as a new business frontier with enormous potential for business opportunities and growth albeit its unique challenges to business leadership, political risks, and infrastructure difficulties, it is critical for Business Schools across the continent to continually develop curricula that embody new ways of thinking and approaches that are unique to the development of African Scholars and relevant to the context given the diversity that exists in the continent.



2 years



R24 030



Four-phase Approach

  • a pre-doctoral workshop for conditional acceptance to the programme,
  • a full proposal colloquium for unconditional admission into the programme,
  • a methodology presentation colloquium, and
  • results and findings colloquium and final thesis submission.

Minimum Requirements


  • The research ability of the student must be to the satisfaction of the school director/scientific committee members and the director of the research area/unit.
  • Students whose abilities in research methods are deemed not to be adequate by the school director/scientific committee members and research director will only be accepted into a PhD programme after successfully completing the Faculty’s short course in research methodology.
  • The PhD in Economic and Management Sciences with Business Administration is a part-time programme and students are registered on a part-time basis after they have successfully defended their full research proposal in a colloquium and accepted by the Business School/Faculty
  • A student must have a SAQA approved master’s/MBA degree or the status of a relevant and applicable master’s degree as approved by the Faculty’s board and senate at NQF Level 9.
  • The study field must be approved by the relevant school director and research unit director.
  • A student must have passed the research component (Research module) with a minimum of 65% and the Mini Dissertation with a minimum of 65% of the above-mentioned master' degree.
  • In case the candidate did a master’s by dissertation only, the final mark of the overall degree average must be above 65%.
  • The final number of conditional accepted applicants into our PhD programme for an academic year is influenced and guided by the number of PhD students who graduated in the previous year (e.g. if 10 graduated in 2020, then only 10 will be conditionally accepted for the 2021 academic year).




  • Association of MBAs (AMBA) in Londen
  • Association of African Business Schools (AABS).
  • South African Business Schools Association (SABSA)
  • Business Graduates Association (BGA)
  • Higher Education Quality Council (HECQ) in SA
NWU Business School
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